Your passage through a forest, on a beach or in the sea leaves its mark on the environment. In order not to leave a harmful ecological footprint, it is important to be aware of certain ecotourism gestures.
On the beach
Blue Flag beaches are safe, clean and the water quality is guaranteed to be safe. It is therefore preferable to go there. You will have access to toilets and showers. Also, when going to the beach, choose environmentally friendly means of transportation (bicycle, walking, bus) if it is a beach not far from your hotel or home.
It is forbidden to throw or run away your rubbish (cigarettes, food, packaging) on the beach but to put it in a bag. If there is no garbage can on the beach, take your garbage with you and if the wind picks up, ballast your bag so that it does not go into the water. When harvesting shellfish, it is important to know the legal size of shellfish you are allowed to collect and those you are not allowed to take when fishing on foot.
In the forest
On the hiking trails, signs and monitors already show you the way. Unless you are a specialist authorized to explore a forest on your own, it is forbidden to walk off the beaten path. In the forest as on a beach, the ecotourism gestures of cleanliness are the same. Not getting dirty by throwing away or burying your garbage helps preserve the environment. Similarly, if you plan to return from the woods with a few souvenirs, you should first ask a water and forest office about the flowers or mushrooms you can pick. Forests are full of endemic species. It is strictly forbidden to hunt them or to harm their environment.
At sea
While out at sea, it is forbidden to fish for protected species or to fish out of season. Therefore, if you want shrimp when it is not yet in season, you may face heavy fines and penalties. The sea, like the forest, is an ecosystem to be preserved. Marine pollution is one of the greatest environmental scourges of the 20th century. That is why, in order to reduce the negative impact caused by navigation at sea, it is advisable not to take a motorboat on your trips over the lagoons, but rather sailboats. During diving sessions, you may be tempted to take pieces of coral, but this is a gesture that seriously harms the environment, as corals are slow-growing living beings.